Annual Report
Norsk Tipping Annual and Social Report for 2020
Norsk Tipping’s mission is to offer attractive games within a responsible framework. The growth in customers in 2020 shows that our games enjoy widespread and popular support.
Nevertheless, the most important thing from last year are the results from the public survey and the subsequent further development of our work on responsibility, which supports our main mission in the Norwegian gaming model.

Events in 2020
Cancelled festivals, sporting events with no spectators, and people meeting fewer people. Nevertheless, there have been some highlights worth remembering from 2020 as well.
Key figures
In 2020, Norsk Tipping changed the market trackers that measure how many people play Flax in Norway. Pre-2020 measurements are not comparable with current measurements. The measurements in 2020 show the most accurate number of Norwegians who play Flax in a year.